Saturday, February 19, 2011

March Classes

Do you ever get frustrated because you want to eat healthy but have to live on a budget? Can you follow a recipe but want to “see” and be apart of the learning process of cooking?

Most clients I talk to would love to eat better but don’t know how. They weren’t taught the basics of cooking. Did you know that you can make good quality, nutrient dense bread for under $1 a loaf? Did you know that by learning to cook your own beans you can control sodium and eliminate the BPA (Bisphenal A: toxic industrial compound found in the lining of cans) for ¼ the cost of buying canned beans? Did you, also know, that you can have FRESH, amazing veggies full of enzymes and vitamins grow on your counter for less than $.25? It’s even possible to increase the health of your dishes while improving texture and flavor by using grain and tofu substitutes!

In this 4 class series you will learn:
* To make homemade yeast bread
*To adjust bread for different flavors
*To adjust for different textures
* how to shape and knead properly to ensure a high rise
*To learn how to CORRECTLY prepare beans
*Tips for ensuring soft beans
*tips on eliminating gas for better digestion
*ideas on how to use beans in burgers, casseroles, salads, salsas, etc.
*understand the “hard” vs. “soft” beans for cooking
*To make brown rice
*how to make it fluffy for pilafs
*make it sticky for vegetable rolls
*how to flavor and sauté.
*To incorporate tofu and sprouting
*How to properly press and prepare tofu
*where and how to use and flavor it
*how to sprout
*how to use fresh, cooked and dehydrated sprouts

All of the skills you will acquire will allow you to save money, know your food and increase the health of your family.

Price is per session $35 for early registration (BY Feb. 28) $37 for after march 1 or $10 per class. This price includes handouts, recipes and food sampling.

Class dates are Thursdays @ 6pm:
March 3- Baking Breads
March 10-Bountiful Beans
March 17- Rice Repertoire
March 24-Exploring tofu and sprouting

Location: 316 S. Pine St.
Fremont Ia, 52561

CLASS SIZE IS LIMITED!!!! First come, first serve.

For more information call Jami @ 641-208-6904

***To pre-pay mail checks or cash to the above address.