Friday, April 20, 2012

Parsley Soup

Most people think of parsley as a garnish but there are amazing benefits to this amazing plant. Parsley is loaded with anti-oxidants, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Amazingly it also contributes to a healthy immune system and heart. That said, how many of us eat enough parsley to actually support these health claims. Well I adapted a recipe from (with several tweaks) that calls for a substantial amount of this herb.

We LOVE homemade soups in our home accompanied with homemade bread. Simmering soup bones for a nourishing, gelatin and mineral filled broth is a standard fare at the McQuivey's. The minerals and gelatin in the soup not only allow for easier digestion and assimilation but provides a RICH and INCREDIBLE flavor to any dish. If you don't have homemade broth you can always substitute. This recipe calls for A LOT of parsley but spouts A LOT of flavor, too.

Serves 8
2 1/2 T. butter or beef tallow
2 medium onions, diced
3 cloves of garlic, pressed or chopped
5 stalks celery, sliced
9 OZ parsley
4-6 oz spinach (optional for bulk)
3 T. flour
2 quarts beef/chicken broth
1/4 -1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
salt to taste

In a large stock pot melt butter. When starting to bubble add onion, garlic, celery and parsley. Cook until very wilted. Add four and stir for 2 minutes. Add broth. Bring to a simmer and add pepper flakes. Simmer 25 minutes. Cool slightly then blend with a hand mixer. Salt to taste and... ENJOY....Yummy!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

March/April classes

Nutty for Nature cooking classes are back in March and April! I will be offering a series of 4 cooking classes. All classes will be on Wednesday evening and start at 6pm. We will focus on a healthy household. From preserving food to cleaning up, you will learn about the benefits of using holistic ingredients to take care of your food, you house, and yourself.

Class Titles & Dates:

March 7th - Canning - Learn the basics of how and what to can. Most people are intimidated by pressure cookers but with a little "know-how" you'll be able to can a variety of foods.

March 14th - Dehydrating - By dehydrating fresh, leftover or sale foods they will last longer and take up much less space. Imagine soups and chilies to go by just adding boiling water.

April 4th - Home Cleaning Supplies - Most people unintentionally buy and use severely toxic chemicals. I'll show you how to MAKE your own that aren't harmful, cheaper and work just as good, if not, better.

April 11th - Skin care - Our skin is the largest organ we have and absorbs everything we put on it. Doesn't it make sense to NEVER put anything ON your body that you couldn't put IN your body. I will show you how to NATURALLY take care of skin and make moisturizer and deodorant.

Cost will be $10 per class or $35 for all four classes if paid before March 4th. You can reserve your spot in the class by emailing

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Monday, January 9, 2012

plan your success....

I am frequently getting comments regarding my MOTIVATION to get stuff done. So, i thought I'd share with you MY way of making sure I get the important things done. I am a list person and have always been. So I am going to share with you MY list but feel free to add in and adapt it to your life, goals and availability. This isn't ALL I do but it's my priorities. Then I get to do the fun stuff and surprise my family. I've started to run these off every Sunday with the small adaptations for the next week. These aren't written in stone but it makes sure I get the cleaning done, my exercise and personal goals. Good luck and Here Goes...
___scripture study/prepare FHE (family night is on Mondays for us)
___Piano Lesson
___BYU study course
___exercise--Focus: Butt, legs & abs
___15 Min. Cardio (walking, running, biking, Zumba, jump rope, trampoline, etc)
___20 squats
___20 lunges
___20 dead lifts
___20 can-cans
___20 double legs lower/lifts
___4 sun salutations
___5 minutes meditation

___scripture study
___call Grandparents/parents to check in
___clean bathrooms
___fold and put laundry away
___exercise--Focus: Arms and chest
___15 min cardio
___Chest presses 5 lb. weight
___20 chair dips
___40 bicep curls (20 ea.)
___5 sun salutations
___5 minutes meditation

___scripture study
___Dust & clean windows
___family history
___exercise--Focus: Back and shoulders
___15 min. cardio
___25 jumping jacks w/ 1-3 lb weights
___20 lateral raises w/ 3lbs
___20 front raises
___20 shoulder presses w/ alt. leg lift
___3 sun salutations
___5 minutes meditation

___scripture study
___send a thank-you card
___ organize a space
___sewing projects
___practice Spanish
___Grocery list
___exercise--Focus: Butt, legs and abs or zumba
___15 min. cardio
___30 donkeys (15/leg)
___15 squats
___Bridge with chair counting
___40 bicycle abs
___5 sun salutations
___5 minutes meditation

___scripture study
___floors (sweep and mop kitchen vacuum house)
___Grocery shopping
___exercise--Focus: The 100 workout
___100 jumping jacks
___90 crunches
___80 squats alt wide/narrow
___70 leg lifts (pilates arc)
___60 jumping jacks
___50 bicycle abs
___40 squats att wide/narrow
___30 leg lifts
___20 jumping jacks
___10 min. cardio
___5 min meditation
___1 sun salutation

___prepare primary stuff
___prepare dinner for Sunday
___Clean for Sunday (Chore switch for kids)

___Write in journal
___ review schedule for next week with family

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Preparation is half the victory...

“To be prepared is half the victory.” Miguel De Cervantes
By Jamilee McQuivey

At the start of each year, month, week or day most of us will start “getting in shape”, “eating better”, or “starting a diet”. As I, myself, have struggled with weight I started thinking and asking “what has made myself and many other’s successful?”. I found a common component for those wanting to lose weight, eat healthier, get in shape, etc. It’s preparation!!!!

Abraham Lincoln said, “If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first hour sharpening the ax.” So our question is…”how can I sharpen my axe?”

1) Observe: Watch and journal yourself for a week. Don’t try to eat better. Eat normally and journal it (I’ve kept a couple 3x5 cards in my pocket for convenience and ease). Write down when you feel stressed and what you did to feel better. Write down when you exercised: how long, what you did, how you felt, what you liked/disliked about it, what would make it better. Think about why you want to make these changes. Are they your reasons or someone else’s? Write down what YOU think is important. This Phase is crucial for determining weakness, snags, and goals for long term success.

2) Realistic expectations: Stay away from numbers. “I want to weigh what I did before I got married or became a mother” is not always reasonable or realistic. Your lifestyle is different. Your goals and body have changed. Using phrases like “I will be comfortable with my body this year” or “I will have no fears of swimsuit season this year” will encourage you to really work on all the aspects of health and fitness. Focus on self-concept and acceptance, healthy eating habits, increased energy, less stress, etc. All of these will affect you positively or negatively. YOU CHOOSE!!!

3) Create a plan: Most often it is hard to make wise eating decisions when you are starving, standing in front of the refrigerator, deciding between making yourself a health conscious meal or poppin’ in a microwave pizza. Plan your weekly meals. I mean know what’s for breakfast, lunch AND dinner with 2 snacks. Most everyone focuses on a healthy dinner but by the time they have gotten there they’ve neglected the first two meals and now they are craving, starved, and tired by dinner.
a) make a meal plan
b) shop for the week in advance (this also saves $$$)
c) plan for emergency snack cravings
d) make your meals ahead of time especially if you know your weeks going to
be crazy (on Sat. or Sun.) and freeze them
e.) Cut all of your vegetables and ahead of time and store them in
plastic containers or ready to take baggies for snacking, salads, etc.
f.) Buy a large container for water and make a goal to drink one full one every
3-4 hours. This will reduce cravings, help digestion, etc.
g.)Pack your food (lunch, snacks, ets.) the night before.
h.) find someone who will hold you accountable, give feedback and
i.) determine from your journaling what snags, frustrations, stresses, or
events might happen to deter you from these goals and plan ahead.

Today’s preparation determines tomorrow's achievement

4) Execution: This is when you put everything into practice. This is when you are vulnerable too. Start with one day. Revel in your success then focus on day two. Work your way slowly, creating habits, a way of life. The difference between those who are long-term successful and those who aren’t is simple: One created and lives the lifestyle the other tries it out once a year or month. It’s okay to “fall of the wagon” every once in a while. GET BACK ON!!!

5) re-evaluate when necessary: Feel free to change it up & make it your own. Make it FUN!!