___scripture study/prepare FHE (family night is on Mondays for us)
___Piano Lesson
___BYU study course
___exercise--Focus: Butt, legs & abs
___15 Min. Cardio (walking, running, biking, Zumba, jump rope, trampoline, etc)
___20 squats
___20 lunges
___20 dead lifts
___20 can-cans
___20 double legs lower/lifts
___4 sun salutations
___5 minutes meditation
___scripture study
___call Grandparents/parents to check in
___clean bathrooms
___fold and put laundry away
___exercise--Focus: Arms and chest
___15 min cardio
___Chest presses 5 lb. weight
___20 chair dips
___40 bicep curls (20 ea.)
___5 sun salutations
___5 minutes meditation
___scripture study
___Dust & clean windows
___family history
___exercise--Focus: Back and shoulders
___15 min. cardio
___25 jumping jacks w/ 1-3 lb weights
___20 lateral raises w/ 3lbs
___20 front raises
___20 shoulder presses w/ alt. leg lift
___3 sun salutations
___5 minutes meditation
___scripture study
___send a thank-you card
___ organize a space
___sewing projects
___practice Spanish
___Grocery list
___exercise--Focus: Butt, legs and abs or zumba
___15 min. cardio
___30 donkeys (15/leg)
___15 squats
___Bridge with chair counting
___40 bicycle abs
___5 sun salutations
___5 minutes meditation
___scripture study
___floors (sweep and mop kitchen vacuum house)
___Grocery shopping
___exercise--Focus: The 100 workout
___100 jumping jacks
___90 crunches
___80 squats alt wide/narrow
___70 leg lifts (pilates arc)
___60 jumping jacks
___50 bicycle abs
___40 squats att wide/narrow
___30 leg lifts
___20 jumping jacks
___10 min. cardio
___5 min meditation
___1 sun salutation
___prepare primary stuff
___prepare dinner for Sunday
___Clean for Sunday (Chore switch for kids)
___Write in journal
___ review schedule for next week with family