Thursday, March 24, 2011

April Classes--Fermentation

Fermentation: the breakdown of sugar into an acid or alcohol. A traditional way of yielding food more digestible and probiotic while extending shelf life of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Did you know that many of the foods you enjoy now were once prepared using a natural fermentation process. Pickles, yogurt, sourdough, soda (yes, soda, originally made as a health tonic of herbs and roots and sold in pharmacies), chutneys and more were once a “health food” but due to mass distribution and the use of high heat can processing the health benefits no longer exist.

Every country around the world has a rich tradition of fermentation. In Germany they enjoy sauerkraut and sourdough, in Mexico there’s polenta and corn, In the Orient there’s kimchi, tamari, and tofu. The list goes on to include many more country’s like India, Polynesia, Scotland, and Africa. Fermentation is widely used in breads, main dishes drinks and sides.

This 4 week class will introduce you to the basics of fermentation and optimum nutrition. You will learn:

April 7 Sourdough: Part 1
You will learn:
*the basics of how to make and maintain a starter
*How to make you own sourdough bread for pennies
*Learn how Sourdough can be adjusted for sour taste
*Why it is important ferment/sour grains to unlock nutritients and eradicate the phytic acid that inhibits the absorption of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc.

April 14 Sourdough: Part 2
You will learn:
*how to use your starter to make crepes pancakes, biscuits, etc.
*how to store starter for long periods of time
*How to use leftover bread

April 21 Sensational Soda
You will learn:
*What SKG (sugar kefir grain) is.
* How to make your own soda full of beneficial probiotics
*How to flavor “soda”
*why old fashioned fermented soda is a very healthy alternative to the sugar laden, artificial color and flavored soda today.

April 28 Scrumptious Vegetables
You will learn:
*How vegetables were traditionally fermented/pickled
*What kind of vegetables and combinations are best for fermenting/pickling
*Why and how fermented vegetables are healthier

Classes begin at 6pm
Location: 316 S. Pine St.
Fremont Ia, 52561

Price is per session
*early registration by April 1, 2011 is $35 ($32 for students)
*After April 1 is $37 ($35 for students)
*individual class price is $10 (early registration for individual class is suggested as class size is limited.

*** This price includes handouts, recipes and food sampling.***

CLASS SIZE IS LIMITED!!!! First come, first serve.

For more information call Jami @ 641-208-6904

***To pre-pay mail checks or cash to the above address.

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